024 – SAP Integration and API

In this show I’m thrilled to have Harsh Jegadeesan, who is a product manager from SAP. He is responsible to for quite a few of the integration product as SAP and has a strong presence in SAP progress to API. It was a really interesting conversation where we covered a lot about what was going on with integration at SAPTeched and SAP in general.

This is the first time I do a live interview and in a bit noisy setting, but it should be possible to hear what we are talking about.

We do cover quite a few interesting things on the show.

  • Using API as a way to remove the complexity of your landscape, as the bedsheet you use to throw over your bed to cover the mesh.
  • Why is the API different than the Enterprise SOA. One of the differences Harsh mentioned was that E-SOA was a waterfall approach whereas the API is a lot more agile. SAP is using the same API for UI so they will do a better job understanding them.
  • We talk about API and how to implement them in a customer landscape and how SAP is thinking about API.
  • Open connectors: One interesting point I took away from it was that it was more a hub model. So you could have to multiply ie. CRM system and then you would just all the Open Connector with one standard interface, then Open Connector would ensure it is delivered to the correct CRM system if organizations use different settings.
  • We talk about the Cloud Integration Suite and where it fits into the customer’s journey.

If you found it interesting please share it.


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